
Monday, September 1, 2014

Classroom Reveal/Currently

Tomorrow is the big day - my first day of school of my first year teaching!
After working really hard for the past two weeks, my classroom is finally done...I am ready to show it off!
My plan is to post more in detail about certain parts of my room once the year gets started...and once I figure out how well they work :)

But for now, here is what my 7th graders will see when they come in tomorrow morning:

Classroom curtain (no sew!!! I am going to post about it soon because I was so happy with how it turned out, and how easy it was)

Word Wall/Group Work table
(I am going to put up academic vocabulary throughout the year)

My favorite part of the room - my classroom library!
Each bin is organized by genre. I haven't marked the books individually...but I am hoping that my classroom librarians will help keep them in order for now :)

Neon Genre Posters!
I just LOVE these - definitely my favorite product I have made.
Find them on TpT here

Whiteboard with I can statement/schedule for the day
(The lefts side is 7th ELA, the right side is Creative Writing)
The bulletin board on the right of the whiteboard has clothespins for hanging up anchor charts

"Proud Wall"
The clothespins are for "exemplary student work" examples :)
Students are going to write affirmations to each other throughout the year - and may choose to post these on the Proud Wall.

View from my desk

More pictures/blogging to come :)
Thank you SO much to those sweet bloggers who commented on my last post about how to balance everything as a teacher. I am definitely planning to set limits/hours for myself this year so I don't go crazy. 
My rough plan is to arrive about 45 minutes before school starts, and stay until 5. But once I am home, I need to RELAX! I think that seems reasonable. 

I am linking up with Farley for September Currently (of course back to school is the #1 thing on my mind!)


  1. Love your orange wall and touches of chevron! Classroom looks great

  2. Wow! For a first year teacher, your room looks amazing! I think your students will learn a lot from you, and really feel comfortable in your room. Best of luck to you. And really stick by your rule of relaxing once you get home! That's so important. Unfortunately, I don't listen to that advice, and this is my 15th year of teaching!! UGH! ;)
    Thrills in Third Grade

  3. Your room looks great! I hope you had a great first day!

  4. Greetings fellow Michigan Teacher Blogger. I adore your door. I taught seventh grade ELA for almost 7 years. I would love you to stop by, especially since I'm hosting a giveaway perfect for MS.
    Kovescence of the Mind
